
Körper ♦ Zeichen ♦ Kultur
Body ♦ Sign ♦ Culture

Herausgegeben von
Hartwig Kalverkämper, Reinhard Krüger, Roland Posner


Müller, Cornelia / Posner, Roland (Eds.): The semantics and pragmatics of everyday gestures. Proceedings of the Berlin conference April 1998
Körper Zeichen Kultur 9)
ISBN 3-89693-253-5 (02/2004)
262 pages,
22,7 x 15,3 cm, 278 pictures

out of print / vergriffen

This book offers a survey of two core aspects of human gesture hitherto not systematically addressed. It provides a range of different approaches to the study of semantic and pragmatic properties of everyday gestures and hence may be regarded as one step further towards a necessary documentation of gestures as a semiotic system substituting and interacting with language and speech.
The book is divided into two parts. While the first part assembles articles which focus on the semantics and pragmatics of conventionalized gestures (also called emblems or autonomous , lexical, quotable and symbolic gestures) and problems of a lexicography of those gestures, the second part of the book brings together articles which document many different aspects of the ways in which gestures are used in interaction.
The first part is centered around the lexicography of gestures and provides ’solutions’ as well as general ’problem areas’ to the production of dictionaries of everyday gestures and hence offers a valuable starting point for an international and interdisciplinary discourse in the field of gesture lexicography.
The second part exemplifies various approaches to the documentation of gestures in interaction while at the same time documenting aspects of gesture’s usages in different situation and across different cultures.
The book offers itself as an introduction to various fields of gesture studies as well as a survey over current fields of research.
Table of contents

MASSIMO SERENARI: The structure of dictionary entries – results of empirical investigations
REINHARD KRÜGER: Fare le corna and the invention of a novel. Théophile Gautiers Gettatura (1857) and De Jorio’s Mimica degli antichi (1832) or, problems of a gesture-etymology
GRIGORII E. KREIDLIN: Russian gestures and Russian phraseology I. Types of lexical information and the structure of lexical entries in a dictionary of Russian gestures
ISABELLA POGGI: The Italian gestionary. Meaning representation, ambiguity, and context
PIO ENRICO RICCI BITTI / SILVANA CONTENTO: Symbolic gestures and gesturing in communication
LLUÍS PAYRATÓ: Notes on pragmatic and social aspects of everyday gestures
PETER COLLETT: Problems and procedures in the study of gestures
PENNY BOYES BRÄM / THÜRING BRÄM: Expressive gestures used by classical orchestra conductors
GENEVIÈVE CALBRIS: Déixis représentative
DAVID MCNEILL / KARL-ERIK MCCULLOUGH / SUSAN D. DUNCAN: An ontogenetic universal and how to explain it
ADAM KENDON: Contrasts in gesticulation: A Neapolitan and a British speaker compared
MONICA RECTOR / SALVATO TRIGO: Body signs: Portuguese communication on three continents
MANDANA SEYFEDDINIPUR: Meta-discursive gestures from Iran: Some uses of the 'Pistol Hand'
RAGNHILD NEUMANN: The conventionalization of the Ring Gesture in German discourse
CHRISTINE KÜHN: Body and soul: Gestures as mediators in communication
CORNELIA MÜLLER: Forms and uses of the Palm Up Open Hand: A case of a gesture family?