Federman, Raymond: LOOSE SHOES a life story of sorts
ISBN 3-89693-167-9 (02/2001) 156 Seiten, Ebr, EUR 15,50 / SFr 27,50 Special limited edition: 99 numbered copies, each provided with an original hand-written poem by Raymond Federman. EUR 51,00 / SFr 90,00The special music of this book is counterpoint of powers: being and nothingness, time and eternity, joy and suffering, despair
and hope, memory and mystery, creation and destruction, fiction and history. Bilingual novelist, poet, critic, essayist, translator, surfictionist, critifictionist, former paratrooper, fanatic golfer and gambler,
Federman is the author of some two dozen books. His novels have been translated into fourteen languages, and have been awarded numerous literary prizes. Recently retired from SUNY-Buffalo, where he was the Melodia E.
Jones Distinguished Professor of Literature, Federman now resides in San Diego where he continues to write and explore new modes of narrative. His most recent books, ‘The precipec and Other Catastrohpes’ [a collection
of plays], ‘Aunt Rachel’s Fur’ [a novel improvised in sad laughter]. Federman is a member of no group, no tribe, no fraction. If the author of ‘Loose Shoes’ were, however, to seek his brothers, he would surely find
them among that company of saints who have forever been doing exactly the same thing: dreating, in joyful, disinterested confidence, a vision of man from the material of personal history and from the gleanings of a
fully exercised moral imagination. Each work by such writers will exhibit its own exacting economy, and will, in that, refuse understanding by means other than its own. German translation by Martin Arndorfer: OFFENE SCHUHE. titles loose shoes statement before us tongue / ubiquity the story-teller escape
federman concerning a close friend in the sandbox for the sake of a name the bilingualist concerning the novel everyone wants to write eating books a hopeless story the story of the sparrow
last night's dream federkid my father the fictioneer notes & counter-notes numbers the competition perplexity mémoire en miettes reflections on ways to improve death the line
reflections concerning the oedipus complex petit manuel des jouissances reminders – to a writer friend the blue room absence explication of the poem absence here on the balcony among the beasts
meditations scato-logiques au bois de boulogne who will crack first the worm angles the state of erection and other consequences today's output the postmodern artist the order of words
the lost epigraph act without words for the hand audience participation during performance of the hand examples of gestures television audience could suggest the performance the gestures ponctuation
corrections the yellow humiliation / la jaune humiliation reflections concerning the translation of poetry whatever happened to m & n the caravan the voice
notes scribbled in the dark while watching schindler's list in the place of ashes the undecipherable gesture ramona reflections concerning ethnic authenticity the right of life brudny žyd goes to poland
les orgueils de charlot the invisible doubles but ... eternal return plajeu s'accommoder au pire mon tour-menteur – [my tor-mentor] notes on mon tour-menteur – [my tor-mentor] winter wheat
the reverse of farness final escape |